
Posts tagged SOLENT

We all have our moments when life gets too busy, the deadlines seem never-ending, and there are not enough hours in the day for everything we need to accomplish. We just need to get away from our everyday lives for a while and regroup. In times like these most of us think a trip to the mountains or maybe a tropical island is just what the doctor ordered, but thanks to the genius group at AmaZing Venues, there is a new “old” place to add to the list of possible escapes.

In the middle of the Solent, the straight that separates England’s mainland and the Isle of Wight, is a 19th century sea fort that has been converted into a four floor luxury resort named No Man’s Fort. The only way on or off the fort is by helicopter or boat. Even though it is surrounded by water, there is still plenty for guests to do. No Man’s Fort can be as relaxing or as crazy as you want since it has everything from spas and hot tubs to jet biking, kite surfing and personal nightclubs.

We love the genius and resourcefulness of repurposing the old sea fort into something so beautiful and enjoyable. This way we can hang on to a piece of the past, but have an interesting new place to visit. It is magnificent on the inside, and it has its own lighthouse and mini golf course. It truly is a destination that will help you escape your hectic life without sacrificing entertainment.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of everything No Man’s Fort offers. AmaZing Venues’ website has all the information on No Man’s Fort.

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